Commercial Lighting

Upgrade Your Canopy Lights to LED for Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings

LED Retrofits for Pole Lights, Canopy Lights, and Wall Packs


For this project, we were challenged withretrofitting exterior parking lot poles, abnormally high (50') canopy lights,and building mounted wall packs for an airport parking facility.


With the client’s input, we decided thatthe best solution was to retrofit and replace all of the existing 1000W MetalHalide pole light fixtures and upgrade them to retrofitted LED solutions.


The main focus of replacing outdatedlighting technology to the newer LED technology resulted in heightened security,energy savings, and a cleaner, updated overall look.


Canopy, pole lighting, and even buildingmounted wall pack lights play a crucial role in providing illumination foroutdoor spaces such as gas stations, parking lots, walkways, and in this caseairport parking structures.. However, traditional lighting technologies likefluorescent or high-pressure sodium (HPS) lights are not efficient and canresult in high energy consumption and maintenance costs. LED technology offersa more sustainable and cost-effective solution. Let’s explore the benefits ofupgrading your canopy lights to LED and how it can enhance both your bottomline and environmental impact.


1. Energy Efficiency:

LED lights are known for their energyefficiency. Compared to traditional lighting technologies, LEDs convert alarger percentage of energy into light rather than heat, resulting insignificant energy savings. Upgrading your canopy lights to LED can reduceenergy consumption by up to 70%, leading to lower electricity bills and areduced carbon footprint.


2. Longevity and Durability:

LED lights have an impressive lifespan thatexceeds traditional lighting options. While incandescent bulbs may last around1,000 hours and fluorescent lights about 10,000 hours, LEDs can last up to50,000 hours or more. This extended lifespan reduces maintenance andreplacement costs, as well as the inconvenience of frequent bulb changes.


3. Improved Light Quality:

LEDs provide excellent light quality with highcolor rendering index (CRI) and superior brightness. This means bettervisibility, increased safety, and enhanced aesthetics for your outdoor space.LED canopy lights offer uniform and consistent illumination, eliminating darkspots or flickering associated with outdated lighting technologies.


4. Cost Savings:

While the upfront cost of LED fixtures may behigher compared to traditional options, the long-term savings outweigh theinitial investment. LED upgrades have a relatively quick payback period due toenergy savings, reduced maintenance expenses, and extended product lifespan.Additionally, some energy companies offer rebates or incentives for businessesthat switch to energy-efficient lighting, further reducing the overall cost.


5. Environmental Benefits:

By upgrading to LED canopy lights, youcontribute to a greener future. LED technology uses significantly less energy,resulting in reduced greenhouse gas emissions. LEDs are also free of hazardousmaterials such as mercury, making them safer for the environment and easier to disposeof responsibly.


While 1000W metal halide lighting fixtureshave been popular in the past, they do come with a few disadvantages. Here aresome drawbacks to consider:


1. High Energy Consumption

2. Shorter Lifespan

3. Warm-Up Time

4. Dimming Challenges

5. UV Emissions

6. Maintenance Costs


Considering these disadvantages, we thought itwould be worth exploring alternative lighting options such as LED, whichprovide greater energy efficiency, longevity, and versatility with our client.


Upgrading any of your lights to LED technologyoffers numerous benefits including energy efficiency, cost savings, improvedlight quality, and environmental sustainability. By making the switch, you notonly enhance the visual appeal and safety of your outdoor space but alsocontribute to a more sustainable future. Take advantage of the durability,longevity, and efficiency of LED lighting and experience the positive impact itcan have on both your bottom line and the environment.


Remember, always consult with a professionallighting specialist or electrician to ensure proper installation and optimalperformance of your LED canopy lights.
